Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hair Loss Solution

At Versacchi, our reputation is paramount. Everything we recommend & produce has been thoroughly tested and analyzed – again and again. Until a product or service passes our strict and stringent quality controls, it never sees the marketplace.

It's said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that's the case - we should be very pleased. Since introducing HairBeam - the knock-offs have literally gone into over-drive.

Make no mistakes -these so - called “special units ” are pale replicas of the true HairBeam product. You'll see these second-rate laser units touting "5 ,7 and 9 beams" You'll see them make claims about their "lightweight ergonomic construction." And of course - you see it all at "half-price."

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Also noticeable is a disturbing and on-going trend: Blatantly falsifying data. The most recent is websites claiming to be “independent testing or reporting agencies comprehensively reviewing hair loss laser products for their effectiveness.