Saturday, March 7, 2009

You love what you do. Creating new and exciting hair styles

You love what you do. Creating new and exciting hair styles isn’t just a job – it’s a career. You’re not only good – you’re very, very good and continually striving to be even better. If you welcome new challenges, and aren’t afraid to pursue opportunity when it comes calling, then we want to know more about you!

Top Notch Talent Sought

When it comes to hair care, Versacchi is the best of the best.

When we choose stylists and customer care professionals - they’re the cream of the crop. Engaging, energetic and passionate, but provocative and daring as well.

We don’t only style hair, but offer an extensive range of hair care services, from therapeutic lasers to CTR hair restoration plus hair replacements for chemotherapy patients. Our stylists and hair technicians understand that working with those in need such as cancer patients is not only personally rewarding and satisfying – it is also giving something back for the greater good.

We know not everyone is cut out to make a mark in this specialized field, and for those people any ordinary studio will suit them just fine. But at Versacchi, ordinary and average just don’t make the grade.

Is Your Current Situation Holding You Back?

Many excellent stylists are stuck in dead-end positions. Instead of being appreciated for their hard work and creativity, they are treated like part and parcel of the studio equipment. If this sounds all too familiar and you are ready for a change, you should carefully consider choosing Versacchi.

We treat every one of our associates with the respect and consideration they as professionals deserve. Plus, we understand unique talent means being paid what you are worth.

You don’t hold back when it comes to giving the very finest you have. We don’t skimp when it comes to compensating you for it.

Your Future is Waiting…

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

Then attach your CV and e-mail your qualifications and experience to our HR Manager.
We guarantee your CV will be kept 100% confidential, and all applicants will receive a reply.

Not an EU Member Country?

Don’t let that hold you back. If you truly have what it takes, we’ll do what we can to help get you on board.

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Disappointed With Your Current Suppliers?

Here’s the second great way to boost your business and your fame! It’s HairBeamPro – the revolutionary way to rejuvenate and positively boost your clients’ natural hair! Using specially adapted IR medically safe lasers, HairBeamPro is the forerunner in this new and advanced procedure. Not offered to the general public, HairBeamPro is strictly for PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. Not only for those clients noticing visible hair thinning, HairBeamPro treatments are also fantastic for keeping hair healthy, vibrant and luxurious – before any loss

Chances are if you own a small to medium sized hair replacement business you're continually disillusioned with your current suppliers. Their quality of service, delivery times and hair replacements may all be lacking - or even non-existent. Why put up with inferior quality hair products and systems that let you and your clients down almost every time? Well, when you team up with Versacchi - those problems become a thing of the past. We unconditionally guarantee all of our CTR services and supplies. Simply put – when you put trust in Versacchi, you’re putting your faith in the finest group of professionals possible. Rest assured that whatever you need - when you need it - Versacchi will be here backing you up.

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